15th Maha Samadhi Diwas Celebration

Disciples and Students of Satyananda Yoga tradition will assemble on to honour our Parama Guru and the greatest Yogi of modern time Sri Swami Satyananda on the auspicious occasion of the “15th Maha Samadhi Diwas”. You can participate in

Divya Paduka Aradhana

Sadguru Gayatri Havan

Sri Swami Satyananda Aradhana



We invite you to come along with your family to participate and be blessed on this most auspicious day.

Date: December 5th at 5pm, Venue: Satyananda Yoga Centre, Triplicane

Kindly send a word of confirmation by WhatsApp to

Kindly inform the number of persons who will attend the Aradhana from your family.