Satyananda Yoga Centre has conducted hundreds of programs over three decades. Since it would be impossible to read through all of them, we are presenting here only the most important ones.
This apart several organisations have availed our expertise, however we are not presenting all of them here.
We welcome interested organisations to connect with us for organizing joint programs for the welfare of all
“Discovery of Human Potential – A Yoga Yatra” by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, February 2007.

We got the mandate from our Guru Swami NiranjananandaSaraswati to organise a Yoga Yatra to South India. Satyananda Yoga Centre arranged its first program “Discovery of Human Potential – A Yoga Yatra” conducted by Swami Niranjan in February 2007. Thousands of people attended the morning & evening programs and basked in the divine presence of the great Yogi. Swamiji Spoke on several topics for discovery & awakening of the human potential. Swamiji also initiated about 700 people into mantra Sadhana. This program was a memorable event.

Discovery of Human Potential – Swamiji Visits DAV School

In February 2007, we had the privilege to invited Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati to the DAV Girls Senior Secondary School, Chennai as part of a larger program in which Swamiji was doing a yoga yatra in South India.
Students of the school were fortunate to have a direct session with Swamiji. A lecture, Kirtan and distribution of prasad to every student was organized. Swamiji shared with students an interesting and a powerful message of how one’s personality can be totally awakened through the system of Yoga.
Swamiji even shared with them his experience from his age eleven, when he was sent to the Americas to enhance the mission of his Guru. Children were awe struck by the details that they came to know on that day.
Swami Arundhati Saraswati visits Chennai – March 2008
The only time when Swami Arundhati Saraswati, Canada, visited Chennai, was when we were blessed with an opportunity to host her program in Chennai, for the education system, for children, for teachers.
They were stupendous days of utter inspiration! Everyone who participated were swept by the creativity and energy that Swami Arundhati could manifest effortlessly at the age of eighty.
We organized programs for students of DAV Girls Senior Secondary School, their teachers, parents in Chennai and for yoga teachers from our own tradition. Two programs were organized
- Yoga Education in Schools
- Yoga for Positive Parenting

Swami Arundhati Saraswati is the founder and director of “YES – Yoga Education in Schools” an organization that has pioneered in taking yoga to schools in Canada. She has over sixty years of experience teaching yoga.
She is the author of Yoga Education for Children – Vol 1&2. An authority of introducing yoga to children in the most interesting and enjoyable manner. Her books have been published by Yoga Publications Trust. They have been a source of guidance for thousands of teachers over the last five decades.
It was indeed a blissful experience to host Swami Arundhati, whom Swami Niranjan respects and treats as his mother!
Children Yoga Festival – Celebrating A Bal Yogi – Aug 2008

The first CHILDREN YOGA FESTIVAL was celebrated in August 2008 in Chennai, to the honour our Guru, Paramahamsa Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. Since then CYF has been celebrated to make yoga an enjoyable involvement for children.
The first program was conducted at New Woodlands Hotel, thanks to the generosity of Shri.Murali Bhat, the event attracted 450 participants from 38 schools in Chennai. The winning participants were taken on a fully sponsored flight trip to our ashrams in Bihar and Jharkhand!
It was an experience of a lifetime for all the children who made the trip to ashrams. They had a holistic experience of yoga, not as a matter of something to be done on a mat for few minutes, but an attunement of every moment of life. A life time learning from a trip of a life time!

From an even which happened in one venue for one day, the celebration took a huge form, of being celebrated throughout the year in every school in Chennai. We celebrated the Children Yoga Festival every year, with great festivities and to promote the CHILD & YOGA!
Every year children were taken on sponsored trip to both our ashrams. What started of with 16 children in 2008, grew to as many as 200 children visiting ashram every year.
Everyone involved in the Children Yoga Festival were blessed with bliss divine. Swamiji and sannyasins of both ashrams we’re delighted to receive children from Chennai.
We had the greatest good fortune of presenting the grand finale of Children Yoga Festival on 14th February 2014, on the very Bal Yoga Divas in the most graceful presence of Swamiji on his birthday.
We can surely say that it was indeed one of the greatest moment in all our lives, to bring delight to Swamiji’s heart! This is what Swamiji said after being part of the grand finale of Children Yoga Festival –
Swami Anandkumar five days in Chennai – Jan 2009

Swami Anandkumar Saraswati, David Behrens, from Brimhingam, UK, attended Teacher Training Course at Mangrove Yoga Ashram in 1981. Met Sri Swami Satyananda in 1983, in Australia.
Swami Anandkumar met Swami Niranjananada Saraswati in 1992 in Munger. Taped in 1999 to Bihar School of Yoga and stayed for the next eight years. Swami Anandkumar frequents Thiruvannamalai and teaches yoga with a focus on meditation.
Sn Shivarishi met Swami Anandkumar in 2003 when he attended the yogic studies course and had further interactions when Swami Anandkumar conducted Kriya Yoga course in 2005!
With the blessings of Swami Niranjan, Sw.Anandkumar was invited for a five day visit to Chennai. Mornings were planned for visiting several schools in Chennai to inspire students to try yoga in their lives. Over thousand students attended the sessions and felt the efficacy and power of yoga.
Evening sessions were conducted at Chinmaya Heritage Centre. Introduction to meditations from Satyananda Yoga were introduced by Swami Anandkumar!
Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati visits Chennai – February 2008
Swami Nirmalananda a Medical Doctor, has been the coordinator of Yoga Research work at Yoga Research Foundation, Lecturer of Applied Yogic Science in BYB, author of YOGIC MANAGEMENT OF CANCER, was invited to Chennai by Sn Shivarishi to observe the research work at cancer institute, Adyar, Madhuram Narayan Centre and DAV Group of Schools, in Chennai.
We had the good fortune of hosting programs for mothers and special educators of Madhuram Narayan Centre and public on Yogic Management of Health Disorders.

All the three programs were quite rewarding and well appreciated by all participants. The interactions and programs paved way for three research activities in Chennai, under the guidance of Yoga Research Foundation.
Paramahamsa Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati inaugurates the new premises of SYC, October 2011
We were blessed with the opportunity of receiving Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati, Peetadheeshwari, Rikhiapeeth at Satyananda Yoga Centre, Triplicane.
On 14th October2011, Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati places her divine feet at our centre and inaugurated the new premises, dedicated the centre for the welfare of citizens of Chennai.

This Place – Satyananda Yoga Centre will be a haven for the people of Chennai
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati
2013 Swami Atmabhishek and Sannyasi Tulasi conduct Workshops in Chennai

Bihar School of Yoga announced it World Yoga Convention in October 2013 along with the Golden Jubilee Celebration.
Bihar School of Yoga assigned delegates from Ashram to conduct Workshops all over India.
Two teams of delegates came to Chennai. Swami Atmabhishek and Sannyasi Tulasi stayed at Satyananda Yoga Centre for a period over ten days. Workshops and lecture demonstrations were organised in several parts of Chennai, Pondicherry and Cuddalore on behalf of Satyananda Yoga Centre, Triplicane.
Swami Vigyan Chaitanya conducts a series of talks on Yoga Sutra – Raja Yoga

On 29th, 20th and 21st June 2014, Swami Vigyan Chaitanya, former Head of Research, Bihar School of Yoga and an authority on Raja Yoga Sutras of Rishi Patanjali joined us for the grand finale of Children Yoga Festival, in the presence of the His Excellency Governor of Tamilnadu Shri.Rosaiah Ji at the Chinmaya Heritage Centre.
On the same days, in the evening Swami Vigyan Chaitanya spoke on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, at Satyananda Yoga Centre. It was a well attended program.
Gnaneshwari Saptaha Pravachan, October 2022
Mauli Gnaneshwar Maharaj is greatest among yogis, who lived for just 21 years and achieved that has stood the test of time. This is the 725th year of Gnaneshwar Maharaj Samadhi.
Tukaram Ganapati Maharaj is a well known propagator of Abhangs in India. Hailing from Kadayanallur, The Vishwa Varakari Sansta was founded by him to propagate the teachings of the Sant Parampara.
A week long Satsang on Gneshwari the Bhavarta Deepika of Srimad Bagavad Gita was conducted by Raghunath Das Maharaj, the Uttaradhikari of Vishwa Varakari Sanshtha at Satyananda Yoga Centre.
2023 Swami Anandananda in the Centenary Celebration of Sri Swamiji

2023 is the centenary year of Sri Swami Satyananda and we had the good fortune of hosting two days of talk, guided meditation with Swami Anandananda from Italy.
On 8th January 2023, Swami Anandananda spoke on the topic “My Experiences with Sri Swamiji” and on 13th January 2023, Swami Anandananda conducted a guided meditation and spoke on “The Unique Contributions of Sri Swamiji”
Both sessions were well attended and both sessions were made available online on our Facebook Page.
Experiential Satyananda Yoga Retreat – ESYR2023 – Chennai

Satyananda Yoga Centre aims to conduct a series of Experiential Satyananda Yoga Retreats in Tamilnadu during this centenary year. The first retreat was conducted in Chennai on 23/07/2023. Three hundred and fifty persons participated in the retreat and had an uplifting ashram experience for a day.
We had the distinguished opportunity for inviting Paramahamsa Swami Dharma Keerthi Saraswati from Bengaluru. She shared her experiences in her own inimitable way and illumined the participants with her wit and wisdom.
Here is Swami Dharma Keerthis session from the retreat.
Here is a glimpse of the whole event, we have tried to capture several moments and present in this crisp video