M.P.Rangarajan, a senior management executive, Has been a student of Sn.Shiva Rishi since 2005. Kutti Ranga as he is famous has attended our courses from basic to Kriya Yoga preparatory course at SYC for one year. Learnt Kriya Yoga from ashram over a period of three years. Presently he is undergoing Pratyahara Dharana Shibiram.
Being self sufficient with his job, Ranga gives time for offering yoga to poor children, to people with different needs and offers his knowledge as a seva, as a contribution to society.
He has taught yoga to Mr.Bharat Desai, Founder Chairman of SYNTEL as part of his selfless service to bring yoga in the life of people. He has also taught yoga to Taminadu Cricketers on behalf of Sn Shivarishi on the request of TNCA.
Has served as an editor of Satya Vakku, Tamil magazine published on behalf of SYECT for three years. Serving the mission of Guru in the capacity of Trustee of Satyananda Yoga Education Charitable Trust since 2018