We got introduced to Parvathi at the DIRECT TAXES REGIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE (DTRTI), Chennai. Sannyasi Shivarishi was a regular invited resource person for DTRTI. Satyananda Yoga was introduced over a decade to Income Tax officers participating in the training programs at DTRTI.
Parvathi was in charge of coordinating the faculty and had the responsibility of introducing them to the trainees at DTRTI. Parvathi would have introduced Sn Shivarishi a hundred times in their programs.
Parvathy attended some time f the sessions at DTRTI as part of her job obligation, it turned out to be a turning point. She attended our basic level courses 1&2, Sadhana Shibiram, Seva Shibiram and Pratyahara Dharana Shirbiram. The went on to attend. Three year teacher training course.
Parvathy has volunteered and conducted classes for children as a seva in many of our projects and has conducted classes for adults too as a seva.
She is sincere, committed, genuine and forthcoming. We are sure she holds solutions to lots of people in the future!
Parvathi’s experience
It is a common (mis)conception that practising Yoga means doing contorted difficult postures for having a disease-free body and doing ‘meditation’ for being stress-free. Though this is partly correct, I have, as a student of Yoga with SYC Chennai for the past 10 years, understood that practising Yoga is a Sadhana, a systematic discipline that is practised with the various approaches mentioned in the Scriptures and handed down to humanity through an enlightened Guru Parampara.
I also realised that being a Yoga practitioner is a sincere attempt in the pursuit of excellence by uplifting all the dimensions of our personality (which includes our body and mind) with the attitude of dedication, humility and surrender. To me, this multi-faceted and holistic approach towards Yoga seemed perfect to deal with my everyday challenges.
As I continue being a Yoga aspirant, I had the desire to be instrumental in helping people embark of their own personal journey towards excellence in life using this knowledge channel.
Having completed the Yoga Teacher Training course at SYC, Triplicane in 2018 and teaching Yoga to adults and school children, it is indeed an enriching experience as a Yoga teacher to contribute to the betterment of lives of fellow-human beings.