Pawan Muktasanas Part-1

The most profound contribution to the discipline of Asanas is the dynamic series of Pawan Muktasanas by the Satyananda Yoga teaching tradition.

Sri Swami Satyananda received the entire wisdom of Yoga as a transmission from his Guru within few minutes in the Ananda Kutir, Rishikesh. Swami Sivananda gave the mandate “Take Yoga from door to door and shore to shore”

Sri Swamiji traveled all over India, from Afghanistan to Srilanka to understand the need of people. Based on the observation Sri Swami Satyananda decide to present a toned down Asana program that would be suitable for people of this time. The classical asanas were taken to back seat and a new simple sequence was presented. They can be called “Sukshma Vyayama”, meaning subtle exercise.

In the present scenario, this sequence of practice is most suitable for everyone who wishes to restore health, happiness, harmony and prosperity in life. After doing these practices for few weeks, practitioners have observed that they are feeling less stiff, feel light, more relaxed, energetic, calm and happier.

PMA -1, as we call it, are simplest Asana practices, yet have multi dimensional impact on one’s personality. In this post we are going to see one of the aspects of the impact.

Prana Nadis are purified

We have not just one body, but three bodies according to one perspective of yoga. It is called as Sharira Trayam. Sthoola Shariram, Sukshma Shariram and Karana Shariram. Sthoola Shariram means the gross physical body, made of food. Sukshma Shariram is the subtle body made of sukshma Pacha bhootas, the karma and gnanendriyas, Manas, buddhi,chittha, ahamkara and prana.

Prana flows and sustains and facilitates the body and mind. The flow of prana forms nadi. There are locations in more than 51 locations corresponding to physical body, where prana is accumulated and redistributed according to needs. These are called as chakras.

Blocks in Nadis

Due to several factors flow of prana gets blocked across the nadis and chakras too get blocked. This causes inefficiency in physical, viral, mental, creative, intellectual and intuitive dimensions. Un attended pranic blocks over a long period of time precipitates into a variety of diseases, which include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Join Pains, Stiffness, Insomnia and other chronic diseases like diabetes, liver diseases, diseases of the GI.

Practice of Pawan Muktasanas Part -1 may take about thirty minutes every day, but can prevent one from life long suffering and medicine dependency.

Pawan Muktanas clears these subtle blocks from the nadis and chakras. Regular practice of PMA1 series ensures proper flow and distribution of prana.

Satyananda Yoga Centre introduces this series of practices in our beginners course.

To read more about the beginners course visit this link

You can see our video on this topic, try the simple practices by visiting Satyananda Yoga YouTube link