Can we test your level of fitness? Just try this! Stand with both legs about half feet apart, raise both your hands, bend forward and place both palms on the floor by the side of the feet, without bending the knees!
While you tried this, you will find that, you may be able to or not able to place your palms on the floor without bending knees! Whether you are able to or not is immaterial! But, if you try once more you will find that there are certain parts of the body, where you would have experienced stiffness, catch or even a mild level of pain!
If you are able to place your palms on the floor besides your feet without bending the knees, and you did not experience pain, or catch or stiffness, you are FIT! Congratulations! If you were unable to place your palms on the floor, it shows that your body is stiff and you are not fit!
95% of people experience stiffness, discomfort, rigidity and pain in their bodies. The sad part is people do not even know that they have become stiff & unfit! Even youngsters, people in the age group of 15 – 30 are unfit! Even they are unable to experience a flexible, strong, agile and healthy body.
Anyone in age between 8 – 80, even if they are not fit or healthy, can learn Satyananda Yoga. Our basic level course – Prathama Shibiram is designed to restore flexibility, improve strength and endurance and change your body from stiffness to fitness!
Join our basic level course immediately