The Vedic tradition is known for the festivity and celebration of Divinity through several unique festivals which are strewn in plenty throughout the year. At SYCT
Every year we celebrate Children Yoga Festival in connection with the birth anniversary of our Guru Swami Niranjan.
Children from several city schools participate in the program & display their talents in many ways. They are then given a wonderful
Bihar School of Yoga, Sivanada Math & Rikhiapeeth have successfully kept the Gurukul life alive which gives the rare opportunity of living in close proximity to a living master and lead a simple life of discipline. When children visit ashram and live there for whatever duration, they naturally imbibe all the good inputs that are available in the ashram.l opportunity to participate in our Satyananda Yoga Classes to get an enriching and enjoyable experience of Yoga.
Inauguration of CYF

The first CHILDREN YOGA FESTIVAL was celebrated in August 2008 in Chennai, to the honour our Guru, Paramahamsa Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. Since then CYF has been celebrated to make yoga an enjoyable involvement for children.
The first program was conducted at New Woodlands Hotel, thanks to the generosity of Shri.Murali Bhat, the event attracted 450 participants from 38 schools in Chennai. The winning participants were taken on a fully sponsored flight trip to our ashrams in Bihar and Jharkhand!
It was an experience of a lifetime for all the children who made the trip to ashrams. They had a holistic experience of yoga, not as a matter of something to be done on a mat for few minutes, but an attunement of every moment of life. A life time learning from a trip of a life time!

From an even which happened in one venue for one day, the celebration took a huge form, of being celebrated throughout the year in every school in Chennai. We celebrated the Children Yoga Festival every year, with great festivities and to promote the CHILD & YOGA!
After qualifying in the Zonal festival in Chennai, seven schools qualified for the Grand Finale. As promised the teams selected for final level, were supposed to visit ashram on 14th February and celebrate Children Yoga Festival.
99 people traveled from Chennai to Munger and then to Rikhia on a sponsored trip as part of the Children Yoga Festival. The group included children from six Chennai schools, some of their parents, teachers from the six schools, yoga teachers from Satyananda Yoga Centre.

The experiential tour gave opportunity for children to live in ashram in a Gurukul setting. 51 students of six schools were fortunate to visit the ashram.
- DAV Matric Hr Sec School
- Bhavan’s Rajaji vidyashram
- Mathur Vivekananda Vidyalaya
- Bharath Sr Sec School
- Mahindra World School
- Narbada Devi Vivekananda Vidyalaya
It was truly an experience of love, care, seva, samarpan, celebration.. They were exposed to different dimensions of Satyananda Yoga during their stay.
Before reaching ashram the group visited the ancestral home of Swami Vivekananda in Kolkata.

Every year children were taken on sponsored trip to both our ashrams. What started of with 16 children in 2008, grew to as many as 200 children visiting ashram every year.
Everyone involved in the Children Yoga Festival were blessed with bliss divine. Swamiji and sannyasins of both ashrams we’re delighted to receive children from Chennai.
We had the greatest good fortune of presenting the grand finale of Children Yoga Festival on 14th February 2014, on the very Bal Yoga Divas in the most graceful presence of Swamiji on his birthday.
We can surely say that it was indeed one of the greatest moment in all our lives, to bring delight to Swamiji’s heart! This is what Swamiji said after being part of the grand finale of Children Yoga Festival!