Greetings and good wishes to you from Satyananda Yoga Centre, Chennai.
We are delighted to share with you a wonderful Yoga programme that we have conceived exclusively for you, your kith & Kin.
Satyam’s AWAKENING CALL OF A GOLDEN YOGA TRADITION – ACOGYT is Satyananda Yoga Center’s effort to liberally share with the people of Chennai, the blessings and the wonderful wisdom of Satyananda Yoga or Bihar Yoga. You can be a catalyst for the positive development of your family, friends and also the larger society.
Please spare few minutes of your time to know more about ACOGYT. You can share this information with everyone known to you. They can also arrange an ACOGYT programme.
If you wish to organize an ACOGYT session you may download a registration form and send it to us at
If you have any queries pl contact our organizers at 98417 38069. They will guide you to arrange a program in your venue.

Fifty years of the yogic renaissance that was started by Sri Swami Satyananda in 1963, has made immense contribution to humanity and to the world of YOGA!
Satyananda Yoga Centre will be delighted to offer an awakening talk at your place for your people. You can see a list of fifty different topics in which the talks could be given.
Invite experts from our tradition! See the full list. Click on the image to read a full article on ACOGYT