Satsang is the point of contact between the seeker and the illumined master

At Bihar School of Yoga sannyasins, devotees and visitors have remained eager to have satsangs with Sri Swami Satyananda, Swami Niranjan and with Swami Satsangi.

Over the last fifty years so many inspiring moments of light and wisdom have helped many aspirants to find a path & move forward in their sadhana by listening to the Swamis.

Their satsangs have been published as “YOGA”. 2012 is the golden jubilee year of yoga magazine. For the last seven years SYECT has been publishing Yoga magazine in Tamil.

Yoga(Tamil) presents a sincere translation of the articles published in Yoga – English. Six issues are published every year as a bimonthly magazine.

Annual Subscription Rs 90/-

For 3 years Rs 250/-

For subscribing for YOGA(Tamil) pl contact


Satyananda Yoga Education Charitable Trust

4,T.P.koil 2nd lane, Ice House, Chennai – 600 005

or write to

Phone: 044-28446819