Research study into yoga with adolescents
Satyananda Yoga was introduced in hundreds of schools in Chennai through several efforts taken by Satyananda Yoga Centre from 2005 to 2017 in a very big way. Thousands of children got the opportunity to learn yoga in the most fun filled way.
It was a great opportunity to study the impact of yoga on youth and adolescent children. We approached the DAV Group of Schools in Chennai, Chinmaya Vidyalaya Chennai, Bhavan’s Rajaji Vidyashram, Chennai to participate in the research.
Shantanu Saha, Dr.Narasimhan, Vedavalli, Sumithra Vivek, Kesavan Perumal, D.N.Rao and a team of volunteers involved in the research guided by Yoga Research Foundation. The outcome of the research were presented by Sannyasi Shivarishi in the World Yoga Convention and were then published in the Yoga Magazine and in the special publication of the World Yoga Convention series.
“Personality Development in Early Adolescence” – Workshop conducted by Sannyasi Shivarishi at WORLD YOGA CONVENTION 2013 @ Ganga Darshan
We are reaching out to about ten thousand children at this point of time. The presentation that I am making today is with reference to a specific group of children. We saw in the previous presentation how yoga works on the creative aspect, the right-brain faculties. This presentation will probably complement that. We will all agree that as individuals we improve in our personality through yoga, but the purpose of the research is to bring it as documented evidence in front of people who can effect a big change in the way educators and policy decision-makers view it. Therefore this study was undertaken.
To read the full workshop lecture by Sn Shivarishi you can visit
Students of Satyananda Yoga Centre under the funding and auspices of SYECT, conducted Satyananda Yoga program Specifically and Individually developed Yoga protocol for exceptional children from age of 2 to 17 and young adults from 18 to 25 and to Adults with exceptional conditions above the age of 25 through several organisations in Chennai.
Madhuram Narayan Centre
Early Intervention Program – Upanayan from ages 2-6 and to their parents
Network for Information for Parenting (NIP) is a loosely federated organisation of experts from the field of Education, parenting, research into pedagogy that works with global players in the field to create knowledge pool to guide everyone in matters of positive parenting!
Sannyasi Shivarishi was a member of NIP, where he met Smt.Jaya Krishnaswamy, Director of Madhuram Narayan Centre. She requested him to visit their institute and help them develop a yoga program for exceptional children. It was a new and fulfilling chapter of yoga research and application.
Madhuram Narayan Centre for Exceptional Children takes approximately 120 children every year for their Upanayan program. Satyananda Yoga Centre developed a specially designed yoga program for exceptional children. Madhuram Narayan Centre (MNC) offers an early intervention program, which is offered in the early stage of childhood from zero to six years of age.
From 2003 to 2015 for over twelve years Styananda Yoga was taught to the parents of exceptional children, their mothers and the special educators and care givers at MNC.
We studied the needs of children and the psychological needs of their mothers and evolved a program to suit their needs. Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati on behalf of the Yoga Research Foundation gave her insights to the development of a sustainable yoga program that MNC could include as part of their UPANAYAN program.
Our studies and experiments with exceptional children at Madhuram Narayan Centre can be read in the list of pages mentioned below
Satyananda Yoga for Exceptional Children 1
Swabodhini School for Special Children
For the last decade Satyananda Yoga Centre has been guiding the yoga program for Swabodhini children and adults.
Presently our centre has provided a teacher who conducts Satyananda Yoga Individualised program to all students.
As part of their annual day program students of Swabodhini demonstrate a set of guided practices they learn during the year.
Click on the image below to read about our program at Swabodhini
Yoga intervention for cancer patients – WE CAN CARE
Cancer Institute, Adayar (WIA) is a well known centre in India for treatment of cancer. One of our students was affected with cancer, she was going through chemo therapy and radiation therapy post surgery and was informed that she was in her third stage of cancer. Dr.Sumana Premkumar was working as a radiation oncologist at Cancer Institute. Dr.Sumana recommended most of her patients to practice yoga. She was introduced to Sn Shivarishi by her family. A personalised yoga program was conducted for her over the next two years.
Seeing the transformation that happened, we were introduced to Cancer Institute by Dr.Sumana Premkumar and with the consent of Dr.Shantha, we offered Satyananda Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays for over a period of twelve years. We went to each and every ward, met the patients at their beds and explained the importance of yoga for cancer patients.
We addressed patients in the auditorium and gave them the experience of YOGA NIDRA! All patients felt relieved and relaxed. Many became regular practitioners, got healed, many learnt to accept their condition and accepted their death peacefully.
This became an important seva for the students of Satyananda Yoga Centre
With the experience of about twelve years of teaching yoga to cancer patients, we began offering our programs for cancer patients in many hospitals and through several organisations to cancer patients in Chennai.