Ayurveda & Yoga
For Harmony at all Levels! Workshop for Yoga Teachers of all traditions Ayurveda Vaidyas are the healing agency of the Lord and the Rishis, who have gifted the wisdom to …
For Harmony at all Levels! Workshop for Yoga Teachers of all traditions Ayurveda Vaidyas are the healing agency of the Lord and the Rishis, who have gifted the wisdom to …
Disciples and Students of Satyananda Yoga tradition will assemble on to honour our Parama Guru and the greatest Yogi of modern time Sri Swami Satyananda on the auspicious occasion of …
Webinar -2 for people in USA and Canada! The mind body complex is often complicated by having asynchronous thoughts, words and deeds. Body-Prana-Mind influence each other positively and negatively. Learn …
The Physical, Mental and Vital dimensions are inter related and interconnected. They rely on one another and also affect each other. They are complimenting to each other and participate in the effort to bring …
After 12 tedious years of underwhelming educational experiences garnished with an impermanent and rather unnecessary pride of graduating 12th grade from D.A.V Boys’ Senior Secondary School, I was in short lived …
Can we test your level of fitness? Just try this! Stand with both legs about half feet apart, raise both your hands, bend forward and place both palms on the …
Have you been searching for peace! Do you wish to know how to be tranquil and Relaxed? You may go wherever you want in this world! You may surround yourself …
Your family is depending upon you! Your Health, Happiness has a direct impact on the lives of your family members! Your children look up to you for feeling secure and …
The most profound contribution to the discipline of Asanas is the dynamic series of Pawan Muktasanas by the Satyananda Yoga teaching tradition. Sri Swami Satyananda received the entire wisdom of …